Rupielts HomeAST Practice questions – 1

AST Practice questions – 1

AST Practice questions


  1. Which principle is essential when assessing a security threat in a high-risk situation?
    • A) Avoid confrontation
    • B) Ensure immediate compliance
    • C) Use verbal commands only
    • D) Assess the level of threat before taking action
  2. What is the purpose of a security risk assessment?
    • A) To design new security uniforms
    • B) To evaluate and prioritize potential threats and vulnerabilities
    • C) To determine employee work schedules
    • D) To plan for company picnics
  3. In a case of unauthorized access, what is the most appropriate immediate action for a security guard?
    • A) Confront the intruder and detain them
    • B) Alert the relevant authorities and monitor the situation
    • C) Ignore the situation if no immediate danger is apparent
    • D) Attempt to identify the intruder’s motive
  4. What is the main advantage of using a layered security approach?
    • A) It reduces the need for training
    • B) It ensures that all security systems are redundant
    • C) It provides multiple levels of defense to protect assets
    • D) It eliminates the need for physical security measures
  5. Which of the following best describes “de-escalation techniques”?
    • A) Physical restraint methods used during altercations
    • B) Methods to calm down a potentially violent or agitated individual
    • C) Techniques for detecting concealed weapons
    • D) Procedures for immediate evacuation
  6. When handling a confidential security report, what is the most important consideration?
    • A) Sharing the report with colleagues for verification
    • B) Securing the report to prevent unauthorized access
    • C) Discussing the report with external agencies
    • D) Keeping the report in a shared office location
  7. Which type of report should be filed after an incident involving a use-of-force situation?
    • A) Incident Report
    • B) Maintenance Report
    • C) Daily Activity Log
    • D) Safety Inspection Report
  8. How should a security guard respond if they encounter a suspicious vehicle in a restricted area?
    • A) Move the vehicle to a different location
    • B) Approach the vehicle and ask the driver to leave
    • C) Document the vehicle details and report the situation to superiors
    • D) Ignore the vehicle unless it appears to be a direct threat
  9. What legal principle governs the use of force by security guards?
    • A) The principle of necessity and proportionality
    • B) The principle of deterrence
    • C) The principle of imminent threat
    • D) The principle of employer liability
  10. Which of the following is considered a best practice for preventing workplace violence?
    • A) Limiting employee access to security information
    • B) Regularly updating emergency response plans and conducting drills
    • C) Increasing surveillance without informing employees
    • D) Reducing the number of security personnel


  1. D) Assess the level of threat before taking action
  2. B) To evaluate and prioritize potential threats and vulnerabilities
  3. B) Alert the relevant authorities and monitor the situation
  4. C) It provides multiple levels of defense to protect assets
  5. B) Methods to calm down a potentially violent or agitated individual
  6. B) Securing the report to prevent unauthorized access
  7. A) Incident Report
  8. C) Document the vehicle details and report the situation to superiors
  9. A) The principle of necessity and proportionality
  10. B) Regularly updating emergency response plans and conducting drills

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