In several nation, minors have liberty to decide their day to day activities. However, some people think that children should follow the decisions of their parents in their lives. In my perspective, an opportunity of self decision-making is the best of self growth and development.
To begin with, there are plethora of rationales due to which kids are allowed to become independent and responsible for their actions. First of all, children can identify their own strengths and weaknesses, if they are free to do anything. Individuals can realize their own potential and can discover their inner talent and creativity. Although there is a possibility of bad consequences or mistakes, but it will be life time lesson or learning for them. While deciding their goals and motives, a child can build numerous skills such as leadership and good decision making. Thus, it is beneficial for their career later on.
Regardless, owing to the underdeveloped mind and brain at this age of a child, it is more appropriate if they obey their parents’ instructions. A parent has enormous experience in both professional and personal life. Even though a child has an interest in a specific field, an expert can direct to follow a right path. Thus, there will be less chances of mistakes or bad consequences.
To conclude, a parent can protect a little one from taking wrong actions because of their knowledge. Nonetheless, mistakes are essential for learning and according to me, responsibilities and independence in life helps to grow and develop.
By : Mandeep Kaur