Rupielts HomeIELTS 19 test 4 Essay

IELTS 19 test 4 Essay

Nowadays famous people are photographed by professional photographers everywhere they go. Some people say this is a good thing. Some people say it is a good thing because the public are interested in their lives. other people think that photographers are wrong to follow famous people.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


In today’s society, famous people are constantly photographed by professional photographers wherever they go. Some argue that this is a positive development because the public is interested in their lives, while others believe that it is wrong for photographers to follow famous people so persistently. This essay will discuss both views and I argue that the public interest justifies this trend.

One of the main reasons why photographing famous people is seen as a good thing is because it satisfies public curiosity. Celebrities often serve as role models and sources of inspiration for many individuals. By capturing their daily lives, professional photographers provide fans with a glimpse into the personal and professional aspects of their idols’ lives. This connection helps fans feel closer to their favorite celebrities and can even influence their own lifestyle choices positively. For instance, seeing a celebrity engage in charitable activities or healthy habits can inspire fans to do the same.Another argument in favor of this trend is the economic benefit it brings. The entertainment industry thrives on the public’s interest in celebrities. Magazines, websites, and television shows that feature celebrity news and photos generate significant revenue. This, in turn, creates jobs for photographers, journalists, editors, and other media professionals. The demand for celebrity content drives a substantial portion of the media industry, contributing to economic growth and providing employment opportunities.

On the other hand, there are valid concerns about the privacy of famous people. Constantly being followed by photographers can be intrusive and stressful. Celebrities, like any other individuals, have a right to privacy and personal space. The relentless pursuit by photographers can lead to uncomfortable and even dangerous situations. For example, there have been instances where paparazzi have caused accidents while chasing celebrities for a photo.Moreover, the ethical implications of this trend cannot be ignored. The aggressive tactics used by some photographers to get exclusive shots can be seen as exploitative. Celebrities are often photographed in vulnerable moments, which can be distressing and damaging to their mental health. The pressure to always look perfect and the lack of privacy can take a toll on their well-being.

In conclusion, while there are significant concerns regarding the privacy and ethical treatment of famous people, the public interest and economic benefits of photographing celebrities justify this trend. The connection it fosters between celebrities and their fans, along with the economic advantages, make it a positive development. However, it is crucial to strike a balance and ensure that the privacy and dignity of famous individuals are respected.

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